Monday, October 13, 2008

Man Shaped Box

Living life as your Johnny Depp
I figured out what you desired
I wanted to give you so much
Yet nice looks were all you sought

Pleasing your wildest fantasies
I was your perfect man
With hazel eyes and blond hair
I proved to be your own superman

I could be a serial killer
I could be a sexual predator
You couldn't care a dime
I just needed to have a great face
And all was really fine

Personality and credibility
Never matter to you
You couldn't care less about sense of humour
If I had my nose dead center

Feelings have taken the backstage
Flat abs and six packs take the front seat
My sexy little self now cries out in revolt
It has had enough of living in a man shaped box.

p.s. Thank You Teri for being the inspiration that you have been in my literary life. Without your brilliant critique perhaps i would never have written.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hero or Villain

Are you a hero or a villain? The obvious shrug of the shoulder in inevitable when such a question is asked. People tend to say, "Duh, dude. Is that even a question." But this question reveals facets of "The Human Enigma" that you never believed existed.

Think about the last person you helped ….

Did you walk past the last blind man you saw or did you stop to help him cross the road…

Did you stop at the last accident you witnessed or did you put the pedal to the floor and escape the moment….

Did you enquire of that man who had stumbled on the road or did you walk by pretending that you didn’t notice…

Did you deny the last beggar you met….

Did you listen to your old man and keep off booze….

Did you keep your promise of teaching your errand boy ….

Were you true to your love or did you fall into temptation…..

Did you control yourself or did you beat your spouse today…..

Villain is such a big expression that a mere 7 letters don’t do it enough justice. All villains don’t go around blowing up cities. It is in subtle moments that the inner self of a villain reveals itself. The simple act of indifference can be as villainous as blowing up a head. Remember you don’t really need guns to kill. Ask that to the mother of four who was left stranded in a foreign location without money by her husband. Or the teenager who had to mother a child all by her own because the father didn’t have the guts to admit his act. Vile acts are seldom preplanned. It is in the heat of the moment that you take a step that has villainous consequences. The world isn’t all black and white. Often colours that haunt are more of the grayish hue. So quit shrugging off the question and think about it….. Have you helped anyone lately?